Food Connection
Marketing & Sales Network Europe
On-going sales management
Once the distributor network has been set up, Food Connection will be managing your sales growth on a day-to-day basis. We will be responsible for delivering the European sales targets to you. We will be performing regular field visits, negotiations, we will be managing the sales budget, supervising the implementation of trade activities and, of course, we will be complying to your sales reporting requirements. Very much lust like any Regional Sales Manager in your own country.
Marketing activity co-ordination
If you decide to invest on building your brand, or your product, with the consumers, Food Connection Europe can undertake all the co-ordination required, either at a Pan-European level, or at a national level - through the local distributor - of ATL & BTL campaigns or activities.
Your strategy, your operating methods
Food Connection Europe is not here to change the way you work. We will adapt to it. We will do our part in growing sales, but we wil comply with your manufacturing, logistics, credit operations & reporting requirements.